Se och hör manifestationen för Julian Assange utanför brittiska ambassaden!



Stödkommittén för Julian Assange ordnar inte bara återkommande manifestationer på centrala platser i Stockholm med polistillstånd.

Här kommer video upplagd nyss på YouTube från en aktion 26/1 utanför brittiska ambassaden! Vi överlämnade ett brev från Stödkommittén till den brittiska ambassadören för vidare befordran till den brittiska regeringen och till Högsta domstolen.

Lyssna på Håkan Julanders dikt och våra talkörer på videon, knappt 6 minuter lång.

Brevet till Storbritannien

Stockholm, January 26, 2022.
To the Government and Supreme Court Judge of the United Kingdom
We express our deep concern in relation to journalist and publisher Julian Assange’s possible extradition to the United States because of his journalistic work to expose through Wikileaks serious human rights violations and war crimes committed during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the Guantánamo files and other crimes.
Journalist Julian Assange risks being extradited to the United States, where he is being accused of espionage due his work with WikiLeaks’ publication of disclosed documents. It is the first time the Espionage Act would be used against a publisher. He is currently deprived of freedom and kept in a high security prison in London because of his journalistic work. He has not been convicted of any crime. Journalistic work should not be punished. Criminalizing journalistic work threatens democracy, threatens the justice system, and cannot be accepted.

When Julian Assange was evicted from the Ecuadorian embassy in London in 2014, all his legal papers and documents were handed over to the FBI.
The CIA with Mike Pompeo as director planned to kill or kidnap Julian Assange.
The US key witness, Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, a convicted criminal and pedophile, has confessed that his testimony against Julian Assange is a fraud. He was promised immunity for his crimes by the US.

The way Julian Assange has been treated, has been criticized by Nils Melzer, the UN special rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, as well as by all the major Human Rights Associations, journalist federations, many politicians and the public opinion and they all demand freedom for Julian Assange and cannot accept the extradition to the US where he risks being sentenced to 175 years in a supermax prison under conditions of extreme isolation and where he will be denied protection of the First Amendment, freedom of speech. Justice must prevail and Julian Assange must not be extradited.
The extradition of journalist Julian Assange to the United States not only jeopardizes Julian Assange’s life, but it is also a severe threat to global freedom of expression, leading journalists around the world to self-censorship, as pointed out by Amnesty International among others.
We welcome the decision of the High Court that the defence raised a point of law of public importance and that the Supreme Court should hear the appeal. We strongly urge the Supreme Court to do so.
Taking into consideration the long tradition of press freedom in the United Kingdom, we appeal to the Government and the Supreme Court Judge to:
• stop the extradition of journalist Julian Assange to the United States.
• take into consideration that the US charges against journalist Julian Assange are not in accordance with British law.
• immediately release journalist Julian Assange from his arbitrary detention at the high security prison at Belmarsh.
Your sincerely,

Sigyn Meder Anders Romelsjö

The Swedish Support Committee for Julian Assange
Stockholm, January 26, 2022.


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Nästa artikelFN-expert: USA-NATO-berättelsen om ”rysk invasion” av Ukraina har förvandlats till ”religiös dogm”
Anders Romelsjö (red)
Anders Romelsjö är redaktören för Global Politics. Han drev tidigare under sex år bloggen som nu främst är ett arkiv med tusentals artiklar. Aktivist i den antiimperialistiska rörelsen på 1970-talet. Han har en bakgrund som läkare och professor med inriktning på forskning om alkohol, droger och folkhälsa.


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