Tusentals pro-palestinska demonstranter tar över gatorna i London. Kolla själv!


Utdrag från en rapport från Mail online.

Tusentals pro-palestinska demonstranter tar över centrala Londongator för andra helgen i rad. De blockerar trafik, ropar ”Israel är en terroriststat”.
Gruppen, nära Victoria Embankment, fanns på flera vägar och blockerade trafik i flera riktningar
En del demonstranter hade på sig kostymer, masker och ansiktsfärg, medan andra draperades i palestinsk flagga


Pro-Palestine demonstrators hold placards as the march to Parliament Square in central London on Saturday afternoon

Victoria Embankment, stretched across the surrounding roads, with traffic blocked off from several directions as dozens of police officers watched on

Demonstrators could be seen wearing costumes, masks and face paint, while others were draped in the Palestinian flag

Demonstrators could be seen wearing costumes, masks and face paint, while others were draped in the Palestinian flag

Some protesters used nearby Whitehall Gardens as an area to pray, as the crowd continued to chant and let off green flares

In London people waved Palestinian flags, held banners and chanted as they began their march towards Hyde Park. Protesters held banners and placards bearing messages reading 'Free Palestine' and 'Stop the war'

Protesters in central London this afternoon hold up banners as they take part in another huge rally of solidarity with the Middle Eastern country

Protesters in central London this afternoon hold up banners as they take part in another huge rally of solidarity with the Middle Eastern country

Peter Tatchell joins protesters in Whitehall, central London, during a march in solidarity with the people of Palestine

Supporters of Palestine sand on top of monuments in Trafalgar Square as they attend a demonstration in central London

On Friday, hours after the ceasefire took effect, thousands of Palestinians in the Al-Aqsa compound chanted against Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his self-rule government. Pictured: London today

On Friday, hours after the ceasefire took effect, thousands of Palestinians in the Al-Aqsa compound chanted against Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his self-rule government. Pictured: London today

Despite his weakened status, Mr Abbas will be the point of contact for any renewed US diplomacy, since Israel and the west, including the United States, consider Hamas to be a terrorist organisation. Pictured: London today

Despite his weakened status, Mr Abbas will be the point of contact for any renewed US diplomacy, since Israel and the west, including the United States, consider Hamas to be a terrorist organisation. Pictured: London today

Protesters in central London hold up banners during their march in solidarity with the people of Palestine on Saturday afternoon

On Friday, hours after the ceasefire took effect, thousands of Palestinians in the Al-Aqsa compound chanted against Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his self-rule government (pictured, Gaza)

A Palestinian family have their breakfast near their destroyed house, hit by Israeli bombing in Gaza City




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Global Politics
Globalpolitics.se är en partipolitiskt obunden, vänsterorienterad och oberoende analyserande debatt- och nyhetstidning med inslag av undersökande journalistik.


  1. Det globala antisionistiska motståndet bör fortsätta tills apartheid- och mördarregimen israel begravs. Detta är nödvändigt för att trots ”vapen vilan” mellan Palestina och israel, så fortsätter apartheid- och barnmördare regimen israels terror och våld mot Palestinier.


    Nu är världsopinionen vänt så måste kampen mot de avskyvärda sionister som förpestar världsfreden öka: BOJKOTTA och SANKTIONERA apartheid israel! Förklara israel det sista öppet rasistiska enheten i hela världen en paria stat och utesluta denna cancersvulst från alla internationella forum!


  2. ”No people on earth, and perhaps no people in history, have endured as much for as long as the Palestinians. A responsible rendering and analysis of what they have just endured over 11 days and nights of pure savagery is even more important given that 68 children were among the 248 Palestinians killed, with 1,900 injured. Furthermore, according to the UN, 52,000 people have been displaced in Gaza as a result of Israel’s indiscriminate and relentless bombing, which destroyed or seriously damaged 450 buildings.

    In the occupied West Bank, meanwhile, 26 Palestinians were killed and over 500 injured in the conflict, which by way of a reminder erupted as a direct result of the outrageous and criminal provocation of the apartheid state in its move to evict nine Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem, where Palestinians were subjected to violence in their homes by settlers as the Israeli police looked on, followed by the desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam.

    This desecration, in the form of the violent incursion into the mosque by Israeli security forces, compelled the Palestinian resistance in Gaza to intervene, despite understanding full well that there would be a significant and indiscriminately violent backlash. This fact alone underscores the fidelity of the Palestinian resistance, which remains strong and unbowed despite the joint Israeli and Egyptian blockade of the Strip that’s now been in place almost 15 years.”


  3. ”Israel has no right to exist whatsoever first and foremost because it is an artificial creation of West European imperialist powers. Second, it is a country which has always engaged in atrocities and massive violations of international laws and norms. Instead, Israel is based on a racist ideology which is, for all practical purpose, indistinguishable from Hitler’s Nazi ideology (both National Socialism and Zionism have the same roots in both time, space and culture, both being products of European secularism and nationalism). For these reasons, Israel, and the Zionist ideology which supports it, are both a clear and present danger for international peace and stability (for details on Zionism as an ideology and its toxicity, please see here). Furthermore, the only possibly way for the Palestinian people to ever recover their land and their rights under international law is for the Zionist “regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time” (to quote the often mistranslated sentence by Ayatollah Komenei). ”



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