Palestinademonstration Odenplan lördag 20 januari kl 13. Kom!


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Global Politics är en partipolitiskt obunden, vänsterorienterad och oberoende analyserande debatt- och nyhetstidning med inslag av undersökande journalistik.


  1. The massive crimes in Gaza, Yemen, and Ukraine are an integral part of the Western “rules-based order”. It is an object lesson of the same root cause. That is, the Western imperialist system, headed by the United States.

    The world has reached a point of no return. The fraud of Western powers is spectacularly exposed and has become untenable. The Western imperial facade is imploding from its inherent corruption. It is a perilous time but the harsh truth can set the world free of hegemony and the systemic violence of Western elitist power.


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