Stöd Julian Assange och yttrandefriheten! Manifestation med brev till ambassadören från Assanges hemland Australien!


Den 17 juli ägde en manifestation runt utanför Australiens ambassad i centrala Stockholm. Var god se filmen ovan.

Ett brev överlämnades också till Australiens regering. Se nedan.


Subject: Urgent Action Needed for Journalist and Australian Citizen Julian Assange

Stockholm, July 17, 2023

Respected Prime Minister Anthony Albanese,

We urge you promptly to take decisive action against the gross injustice to and serious maltreatment of the Australian citizen, WikiLeaks co-founder and publisher Julian Assange.

We have noticed your statement last November that you raised the issue of his case with US representatives and that you said you would continue to push for it to be “brought to a close”, as well as your earlier statements, declaring “enough is enough”. Whilst we are encouraged to hear your verbal support for Mr. Assange, we have seen from the recent Freedom of Information (FOI) requests you have made no formal request to the US administration and President Joe Biden to drop the charges, nor are you using the huge advantages of AUKUS to negotiate for his release. This causes us considerable concern.

As you are no doubt well aware, after U.K. High Court judge Sir Jonathan Swift decided to reject the appeal against the order to extradite him, Julian Assange is now dangerously close to being extradited  to the United States of America, where he faces charges that could see him spend the rest of his life in a maximum security prison for publishing in 2010 documents, true information, that exposed war crimes committed by the United States government.

The British judiciary’s cruel treatment of Julian Assange throughout this case is a blatant violation of legal procedure and a stain on the U.K.’s reputation for justice and fair treatment. It is also a serious assault on global freedom of the press.

We appeal to you to take decisive action for proper legal and social treatment of Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, against his extradition to the United States and to urge President Biden and the proper U.S. authorities to drop the charges against him.

Yours sincerely,

The Swedish Support Committee for Julian Assange


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Global Politics är en partipolitiskt obunden, vänsterorienterad och oberoende analyserande debatt- och nyhetstidning med inslag av undersökande journalistik.


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