Folkrättsprofessor: ”USA:s sprängning av Nord Stream innefattar ett flertal brott mot internationell rätt och FN-stadgan”


Alfred de Zayas, professor i folkrätt, skriver på Twitter att ”USA:s sprängning av Nord Stream innefattar ett flertal brott mot internationell rätt och FN-stadgan”.

Alfred de Zayas

Alfred de Zayas är utbildad vid Harvard och tidigare anställd vid FN, fördömer attacken mot Nord Stream i september förra året.

”USA:s sprängning av Nord Stream innefattar ett flertal brott mot internationell rätt och FN-stadgan, och utgör en krigshandling mot Tyskland och Ryssland, samt brottet ecocide. Ingen kan ställa USA inför ICC”, skriver han på Twitter.

USA står nämligen utanför Internationella Brottmålsdomstolen, ICC.

Se även

Hur USA slog ut Nord Stream-rörledningen
USA erkänner öppet att man sprängde Nord Stream.
Sy Hersh och livet. Vilka tjänade mest på sprängningen av Nord Stream? Varför rapporterar media som de gör?
Vem låg bakom explosionen av Nord Stream 1 och 2?
Vem sprängde Nord Stream? Äntligen bevis! Eller hur?
Rysslands ”hyllning”/ersättning av Nord Streams pipelines.
Också USA:s vice utrikesminister hyllar sprängningen av Nord Stream 2

Artiklar av Alfred de Zayas nedanför.

Finns det något mer demokratiskt än folkomröstning?
Ex-FN-expert: Sluta ljuga, Pentagons krigsbudget har inget med USA:s ”försvar” att göra
FN-expert: USA-NATO-berättelsen om ”rysk invasion” av Ukraina har förvandlats till ”religiös dogm”
Folkmorden: Vems ansvar?

Föregående artikelCIA använder Nato-allierad spionagetjänst för hemligt sabotage i Ryssland
Nästa artikel”Vad vilja Reformisterna”?
Global Politics är en partipolitiskt obunden, vänsterorienterad och oberoende analyserande debatt- och nyhetstidning med inslag av undersökande journalistik.


  1. Det är väl uppenbart för alla att USA är en gangsterunion som inte vill leva efter de regler som gäller alla andra. USA kallas runt om i världen för lögnimperiet och även inom USA är det ett vedertaget begrepp för att beskriva maffian i Washington. Trump tyckte ju att träsket i Washington behövde rensas upp och hur rätt hade han inte i det?

  2. vittne: had a leading administrative role in the BALTOPS 22 military exercise in June near the island of Bornholm, Denmark.
    ”On June 15, the day of the exercise, I was involved in coordinating certain aspects of the exercise. I have to be vague here. A US military helicopter arrived with a group of men believed to be US Navy mine hunters. They disembarked, unloaded their gear, and met both the US Navy Vice Admiral and a group of plainclothes American men, who arrived a few hours later. We all assumed they were some sort of intelligence operative.

    After a short conversation, which I couldn’t hear because of the helicopter noise, they went to their briefing.

    I found it quite odd that they were from the US Navy. My first thought was that they looked like a group of terrorists and not someone from the US Navy. The other groups that we had from many branches of the military had some kind of standards. Haircuts, for example. Not only did these men have wild hair that would have gone against military norms in any civilized nation, but they also had facial hair. Like I said, they looked more like Middle Eastern terrorists. Neither of these men wore an identification tag around their neck.

    Another thing I found strange was that they claimed to be looking for underwater mines, but they didn’t have the equipment for such exercises. Their gear consisted of the Navy’s latest underwater diving gear and some small hard cases we call pelicans.

    Their task was to take an inflatable boat to a certain location, look for anti-ship mines there and return with their findings. They usually carry a long metal detection kit with them on such ventures, but that was absent from their kit.

    One detail that struck me as very odd here was that other minesweeper teams wore conventional SCUBA gear with tanks and the like, while this group wore state-of-the-art helium respirators and wetsuits. While I’ve never seen one up close, I’m pretty sure they were the MK29 systems, designed for deep diving and classified to this day. My country’s military wouldn’t even be able to afford the helium for it, let alone the suits themselves. Detecting mines just a few meters below the surface would certainly not require these suits.

    They went out to sea in their boat. Not to the area where the simulated mines were placed, but to a completely different location. My colleague, who was monitoring the teams’ various locations, made a casual joke about how the US Navy was lost and two thousand meters from where it was intended.

    They got out of their boat, wearing their breathing apparatus, and disappeared underwater for over six hours. As far as I know, there is no self-contained underwater gear that can keep a diver under water for six hours. With the latest military systems, a maximum of three or four hours is possible if the diver is not overexerting himself. After a few hours we became concerned and contacted the US 6th Fleet coordinator who assured us that everything was fine, that they were in contact, that we were ignoring the matter and not making any reports should.

    After the exercise ended and they returned, almost all of the pelicans were missing. They didn’t stay for any pleasantries. They chatted briefly with the US civilians, boarded a waiting helicopter, and took off. The civilians they spoke to also left, albeit in a different helicopter. Their mission was later described as “successfully completed”, although they were nowhere near the goal.

    In retrospect, I have the following suspicions. The divers met with a small, waiting submersible that took them to the pipeline area. The explosives required for such an operation would not have fit in their kit, so I suspect they carried surveying and tracking equipment with which they could mark where the explosives needed to be placed. After examining the pipeline and marking the correct coordinates, they had time to check this data with demolitions technicians, return to the site at a later date, and place the required explosive charges, which were then detonated with a timer or remotely.”

  3. Och i Sverige finns inget intresse att visa brottslingen offentlig som ett dåligt exempel utan istället väljer vi att stödja denne i sina krigiska handlingar varhelst det förekommer.
    Kan det vara så att ondska även drabbat Sverige?

  4. Pepe Escobar som inte har höga tankar om Pustula von Ljugen skriver på sin twitter:

    Pustula von der Lugen EXPLODERAR ”trädgården” Stupid-O-Meter:

    ”Versionen av USA: s inblandning i sabotage på gasledningar verkar absurd för oss. Under alla år av Amerikas existens, inte ett enda faktum av brott mot internationell rätt … har fastställts och bekräftats.”


    Biden beordrade bombningen.

    Berättade för Norge, Sverige, Danmark.

    INTE Tyskland.

    Planeringsledare: Sullivan.

    Medlemmar från CIA, NSA, Joint Chiefs, Treasury, State.

    Bomber detonerade av Raytheon-boj.

    2 av 8 misslyckades.

    ”Derision” bland intel/militär.//


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